Home Guard Alarms provide Fire Alarm servicing and fault finding to businesses and homes in the Thanet and Canterbury districts.
As from October 2006 Fire Risk Assessments are a legal requirement for all UK businesses and organisations to ascertain whether they conform to the 'The Regulatory Reform (Fire Safety) Order 2005'
Home Guard Alarms will provide support and offer preventative measures. Since the Fire Act became effective in early 2011, the responsibility for Fire Alarm Systems has shifted from the local Fire Officer to the Responsible Person or Landlord at any commercial premises where 5 or more people are employed.
Fire Alarm Systems must be installed to the current BS5839 standard, which focusses on the protection of People before property. BS5839 stipulates minimum numbers of smoke alarm detectors, and manual call points that should be installed in all commercial premises across the UK.
The legal requirement is that each organisation must nominate an individual as the 'responsible person'. It is then this person’s duty to ensure that all reasonable steps are taken to eliminate the risk of fire on the premises and to ensure the safety of workers and visitors to the premises.
Commonly used in most areas where a fire may occur from combustible materials such as paper, wood and textiles.
Not as common as optical and have historically been used for clean burning fires such as metholated spirits, petrol or paint thinners. These detectors are more sensitive to this type of fire than optical detectors.
These detectors work by sensing a sharp rising change in temperature and are not to be used in a kitchen or boiler room where the temperature can rise and fall quite rapidly. The ideal place would be a garage where fumes restrict use of smoke detectors, or a dusty environment.
These are detectors with both smoke and heat elements and can be used with a number of different combinations. Either a mixture of smoke and heat is required to trigger the detectors or they may be timed to operate heat in the day and smoke at night.
They are mainly used for bespoke applications where a particular fire risk or false alarm needs to be considered and therefore the appropriate setting applied.
Home Guard Alarms offer a 6 month periodic service for Fire Alarms. Customers include Nursing homes, residential Flats, shops, offices, and units.
Prices are available on request.